Monday, June 10, 2019

Another Good-Bye - Putting My WoW Misadventures to Rest

Here's a hearty hello to anyone who stops by and reads this post.  Ironic, because I'm giving a hello while stating I'm saying good-bye to this blog.  I look at my post history, with my prior post being back in 2018, and that was the first post since 2010.  I can safely state I haven't been giving this blog attention for a long time now. 

I stopped playing, and let my subscription conclude back in November of 2017.  The Legion expansion was the current one at the time, and various factors led to my decision to quit again, but at the time I thought it would be like it always was.  I'd return.  There was always something to pull me back in, even for a short period of time, like a new expansion or path.

Perhaps it was time away, or just the disconnect I had felt from the game for a while, but I never returned.  Truth be told, I don't miss it.  Is it possible I will return?  Absolutely.  Never say never.  I have a somewhat long history with the game.  Now sure how it is for others, but after playing WoW for years, it does become a part of you as a gamer.

With that, I'm pulling the plug on this blog that has long been overdue.  To other retired Azerothian adventurers, hope you are enjoying your different endeavors.  To those who still play, keep on enjoying the game!

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