The Passing of 8 Years
When I pulled up this blog, I was shocked that it had been eight years since my good-bye post. I won't lie and say I remained unsubscribed from my last post in 2010 to now. I did return to the game, though I didn't nearly play it as much as I did the first couple of years. Since my last entry, I saw old world Azeroth shaken up by Deathwing in Cataclysm. I visited and made friends with the mysterious Pandaren in Mists of Pandaria. That was followed up in Warlords of Draenor by a bizarre trip to an alternate timeline, giving us a glimpse of what Outland may have looked like before it was destroyed. That led to fighting off demons led by Sargeras in Legion. Yes, I was there for it all. There have been plenty of changes to the game of the years. Some were welcome. Others, not so much. Sadly though, many of the former players I formed in-game friendships and shared adventures with have since left the game.
Toon Roster
For those of you who may have read this blog in the past, you may be familiar with the stories of my Night Elf hunter Crazyd. He was my first main toon on the Thunderhorn (now Blade's Edge/Thunderhorn) server. I mained him through MoP, and would essentially shelve him for other characters towards the end of MoP. He's currently level 105 in the Legion expansion.
Another character readers my recall. A dwarf paladin, he became my Alliance main toon in Legion. At the current max level of 110.
A dwarf death knight, he became my main at the end of MoP and through WoD. Played him sparingly in Legion (to play the frost DK artifact questline). Currently level 106.
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Dthedark obtaining the Blades of the Fallen Prince |
Forsaken mage extraordinaire. He's my only Horde toon (outside my bank alt), but he got extensive playtime. Currently at max level 110.
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Argus awaits Slymand |
Fun Factor
Fun is a subjective term. Over the years, the game has gone through many changes. From talents, to professions, to story. I've stuck around, because despite the changes, whether it be in game, loss of the players I grouped with, or things going in in my life in general, the game still does have a fun factor. Does that fun factor have a shelf life? Absolutely it does, but when the fun stops, I just step away for a while and return.
Game Changes I Enjoy
On a related note, since 2010, two additions to the game have helped extend my playtime, while also providing me an incentive to run old content - pet battles and transmog. As a solo player, these two additions had kept me subscribed longer than what I otherwise would have. I am especially a fan of transmog. I have put together some pretty cool armor sets through that feature.
Some Other Changes
Looking for Group (LFG) was introduced in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. For the final raid in the following expansion Cataclysm, Looking for Raid (LFR) was introduced. I didn't run LFR all that much. The few times I ran it it was okay, but definitely not the same as raiding with a dedicated group like I did in Wrath and in the first tier of Cataclysm.
For Legion, Blizzard seemed to want to encourage group activity. For example, for the final quest in each zone, you had to run a dungeon. You also had to run dungeons and raids to level up your professions. This was started in WoD with the Pathfinder achievement, which unlocked flying. Previously, you could just purchase flight, but Blizzard felt the players had to earn it, which I have no issue with. The Pathfinder was also instituted in Legion as well.
I admit to not earning either Pathfinder achievement and to not leveling up my professions to max. I ditched group content in Mists, and found I enjoyed doing whatever I could solo. Much of it had to do with just the extremely limited time I had to play, and the fact the guilds I were in, nobody seemed to want to do group content. I am okay with missing out on certain things.
Class changes abounded over the years since I last posted during the WotLK. Most of the classes I play have gone through changes. Some more easier to adjust to than others. Also, the talent tree system that was in Wrath was removed.
Current Status
Ironic perhaps, that I am currently on hiatus, and have been since last November as I write this first post in 8 years. The Battle for Azeroth expansion will be released in a couple weeks from today. At the moment, I have not ordered it, and am on the fence if I want to or not. However, typing up this blog makes me feel some incentive to! WoW will always have a certain pull with me, and I expect to find myself subscribing again, if only for a month, to play.
It has been a long time, and time flies as one gets older, whether you're having fun or not. It's interesting reading the previous entries of this blog, and realizing how long ago it has been. So many changes to the game. So many people came and went. Isn't that how life is? Tomorrow may not exactly be the same as today. For those who read this and still play, enjoy your adventures in Azeroth!